My Super-Smoothie with SuperNature!

Good Morning Sunshines!
I have something to share with you; I am actually Super Natures Ambassador now and this makes me SO Happy! Because that means that I can be even more healthier and spread the inspiration to all of you, the way I do it <3

I want to share how I use superfood and supplements in my smoothies and shakes. It gives your energy, feeds your brain but also invests in your long lasting life.
Mostly all of the food we buy in the supermarked is already “processed” and “ready – made”, so it looses many of its nutrients and only fill us up without purpose. But if you eat ecological food and not too much of the “ready – made” food and as well as add some of the supplements – you are on the Right Track.
The only supplements I really commit to is Alges and Greens.
My favorite of them all is Purely Greens and Purely Green Max!
It contains all type of greens you need in your body. It doesn’t exist any toxics or GEO settings. All is real and pure and gives your energy, puts your body and digestive system in order as well as adds a lot of nutrients you don`t usually get in a normal food now a days.
Another classic is Aman Prana Happy Delight Okinawa oil! My “Must have”!!! You can use it in smoothies, salads, food in general or just as a mini shot!
Well here is my Crazy Breakfast Smoothie recipe:
some iron, some fats, some berries, some carbs – just a lovely mix of the daily fuel that keeps you going!
I use strawberries or any kind of berries I do have in my fridge or freezer.
Always a 1/2 of Banana
1/2 avacado
Spinach leaves
1/4 cucumber
2 spoons of youghurt
50/50 with juice and water

Purely Green Max
Supernature Bipollen – to add some sweeter taste
couple of drops Aloe Vera
Happy Delight Oil
1 small spoon of coconut fat

and if I am done with my workout I`ll add hamp protein. If not I usually skip it and add it to my shaker cup for after my work out.
There you go! A mix of Greens and Berries!
Have a Brilliant Monday and hope that my little smoothie news can kickstart your day and your week 🙂

Stay healthy! (at least a couple of days in the week!)
If you want to know more about Superfoods and Supernature; win tickets to John Opsahl`s Health – seminars in Oslo, Sandnes, Moss or Bergen.
See the dates here! Simply comment this blog post by telling me in which city you want to meet mr. John. The winner will be announced  in the end of this week – FRIDAY!
Thanx and Good Luck!


5 Responses to “My Super-Smoothie with SuperNature!”

  1. Camila Kringstad
    15. September 2015 kl 18:50

    Jeg vil gjerne vinne billetter i Moss <3

  2. lilia-gjerstad
    15. September 2015 kl 18:51

    Så koselig !

  3. Christina
    16. September 2015 kl 05:28

    jeg vil gjerne vinne billetter til seminar i Oslo

  4. Olga
    16. September 2015 kl 08:03

    Jeg vil bli med i Oslo ❤️

  5. Linda Tusvik
    18. September 2015 kl 07:34

    Fingers crossed <3 for Moss

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