A fresh start!!!

Why not start a day with a healthy smoothie?!
You see I have started a new work out program (or on my way to get started ;)) And this will be my regular breakfast every morning. I did smoothie every morning for a long time, but not with a kiwi and avocado and other exiting stuff in it.. So here we go!

To get it super – healthy: you should only do: flaxseed, sunflower seeds, avacado, spinach, spirulina, frozen berries & water. But I needed to add a bit more colors into it : Pumpkin seeds & nuts, Strawberry, kiwi, 50% of apple juice & 1/2 banana + a spoon of honey (because I`ve got some flue lately).

a spoon of Spirulina & almost there!

WOLA! Here you go! Green and tasty and got all you need to carry you till your lunch time + you can work out straight away without feeling full.

& my daily supplements!
GOTU KOLA for the energy, SPIRULINA for my immunity, Chlorella for always being young, Echinacea Purpurea (SOLHATT) – for not being sick & Omega 3 for my body & muscles!
Okay.. Feel free to be inspired!


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